To find out about 2022’s Dash of Maine Holiday Cooking Challenge, go to this Real Maine blog post.
Real Maine is proud to be a sponsor of Maine Public’s Dash of Maine Holiday Cooking Challenge. For six weeks starting on November 6, Maine Public will feature one special bicentennial recipe and a helpful cooking tips video featuring staff from Real Maine and from Southern Maine Community College to help you along! By the following Friday at NOON, you will need to send in a picture of the completed dish you created. This gives you a whole week to secure the necessary ingredients and make the recipe! (Learn all about the contest online on Maine Public’s website.)
Recipe 1 (11/6/20): Apple Walnut Cake
Recipe 2 (11/13/20): Chocolate Stout Donuts
Recipe 3 (11/20/20): New England Boiled Dinner
Recipe 4 (11/27/20): Baked Yellow-eye Beans
Recipe 5 (12/4/20): Cranberry Pudding
Recipe 6 (12/11/20): Squash Rolls
Choose Real Maine Ingredients
Each recipe in the contest features at least one important agricultural ingredient. Take the time to choose #RealMaine ingredients for your Dash of Maine Holiday Cooking Challenge recipes! Many are readily available right at your local supermarket. For some, you might want to explore local farmers’ markets, farm stores, or other options. When you take the time to choose Real Maine products, you’re getting excellent products and supporting Maine businesses! Key agricultural ingredients featured in the recipe challenge are:
- Apples
- Stout
- Root vegetables
- Dry beans
- Cranberries
- Squash